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Showing posts from September, 2016


Good afternoon, all, and welcome back!!!  I can FINALLY say that we are doing well here in Barnesville, well at least until a storm knocked out fiber optic cables to the elementary school from the high school - but we are learning that we CAN NOT have everything working in our school district as we are yet to have a day that everything works - YIKES!  Here is a recap of what has been going on for us - 1.  We NO LONGER use Apple Configurator to deploy apps onto iPads.  We upgraded to JAMF Software and Casper Suite and thus push everything wirelessly! WHICH is SUPER GREAT - BUT I have now developed a love/hate relationship with JAMF, similar to the one I had with Apple Configurator!  When it works - it's AMAZING!  When it doesn't it's FRUSTRATING.  There are few things that have yet to be resolved - and it's only affecting 10-12 iPads - BUT nonetheless, it isn't working and I don't know what to do!  Part of it could be the fact that thousands of ...