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Showing posts from October, 2017

It's ALL in the Green Screen

I am SURE you have seen the hype and maybe even tried playing a little.  BUT our Kindergartners are using green screens in a FUN FUN way:)!  Mrs. Grabow has her littles write about what they wanted to be when they grew up and then she put them in front of the "green screen" and actually PUT THEM THERE:)!  Using the app Green Screen, by Do Ink , she is easily able to capture these darlings in a variety of settings.  She also had the kiddos write about apple trees, and did the same thing.  There are a MILLION ways that you can make this appropriate in your classroom - your imagination is your ONLY limitation.  Mrs. Grabow (and Mrs. Messer, another Kinder teacher) actually painted a portion of her wall green, but you can order a green sheet, use green paper, or simply a green table cloth. Have fun with this one - Mrs. I:)

Topping It - Bandwidth at the Max

Casey, our technology "infrastructure" man, sent me THIS photo! Can you tell when iPads started "talking to" our JAMF system again after six days not talking to them?  I. WAS. DYING.  Needless to say - we are TOPPING IT OUT!!  After complete chaos, days and days on tech support and MAJOR work updating, cleaning out and redoing MANY things in our JSS, we are now UP AND RUNNING!!  UGH - it was a tough two days of watching THIS happen.  GOOD NEWS - today - ALL the plot points look NORMAL and we should be GOOD TO GO regarding our Internet and Bandwidth - well, as least let's hope that's the case! Happy Monday all - Mrs. I:)

TED Talks, TED Ed, TEdx and More........

TED Talks = 7.9 million subscribers TED Ed = 5.1 million subscribers TEDx Talks = 8.9 million subscribers These numbers speak for themselves!!  TED has done it right, and others would clearly agree.  The amount of content, the accuracy of the content, and the shear joy of the content proves that they are  the BEST at what they do:)!!!  These videos don't bore you with length, as most are 3-12 minutes long.  They don't bore you with material, as what they discuss and share are true intimate and raw feelings and emotions.  AND, they don't relay that they are the best and know the most.....they are sharing their ideas on various topics, exploring tough content to teach and doing it in an easy to understand way for kids, and they are getting others to "think outside the box," or just plain "think!" If you have not yet become subscribers for these three channels, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME!  If you ARE a current subscriber, but haven't started really u...