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Showing posts from September, 2018


Mr. Goering is a science teacher here in Barnesville.  THIS MAN!  You guys - he is BRILLIANT!!!  He created a Google Sheet and then shared it with his students on the periodic table and elements.  I totally LOVE LOVE THIS - BUT I had to ask him to explain to me HOW he uses it and WHAT it does:).  This often happens as he talks and then I say, "Alright Mr. Goering, now talk to ME please and restate what you JUST said!!"  (NOT A LIE HERE) In his OWN words:  " The students need to know how to calculate molecular weights and from that the % composition of a compound.  For example, what percent of water is oxygen?  There are online calculators for that sort of thing, but students don't learn anything by using them.  After doing the calculation "long hand" in class a few times, we made this calculator.  It is fast and easy.   The formulas are in the cells if they ever need to review, and the students gain some spreadsheet sk...

More on Coding

Mrs. Askegaard, one of our 5th grade teachers, asked me to find some things that are "different" and "new" in the area of coding.  Here are some of the things I have found for her: 1. Compute It - an online coding activity that is flash based.  It uses basic and scripting and slowly gets harder as the kids level up. 2. Lego Coding Ideas - simply use legos to create secret codes.  This gets kids to start to understand the "coding" method. 3. Secret Wheel Decoder - Again, this will help kids with realizing the "code" for a variety of things and get their minds thinking this way 4. Khan Academy Computer Programming - Just like Khan Academy for math, Khan Academy for Computer Programming shows tutorials "how" to perform certain tasks followed by "doing" of the tasks learned.  Looks pretty cool:)!!  There's a few options: 5.  Various Coding Ideas - If you simply type in coding ideas, you will get a plethora of id...

More on Cyberbullying

Here's some more information regarding Cyberbullying to check out.  It's QUITE scary to think about all that children have to deal with nowadays!  The instant EVERYTHING - UGH!!  BUT, we as teachers, role models and parents can help and try to stay proactive.  Here is another link by Wiz Case to check out: A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents The more informed we are - the BETTER off we are as a whole.  This is such a tough and unfortunately never ending topic - good luck with this and PLEASE PLEASE share anything you have, anything you know, and keep your eyes out for all kiddos:)!! Happy Monday Mrs. I:)