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Showing posts from June, 2014

A few Padlets to share......

   Here are a few  Padlets that I created to share with a class that I was teaching about websites that I just LOVE LOVE LOVE:)!!!  Some I have already shared, but some are new - take a look! Favorite Websites Padlet: More Favorites Padlet: Even MORE Padlet: Just starting points as there are SO SO many more that are out there - but these are great:)!  Still haven't gotten my Surface, but the order is in and any day now it should be here.  I will be calling on a junior kiddo to come and give me a Surface 101 - why reinvent the wheel when he already knows how to work it:)!! Happy Thursday, Mrs. I:)

Well.....Apple Configurator Continues to Win:(!!

   I have been hooking up iPads now that the school year is over to remove apps from THIS year grades so the redemption codes are available for NEXT year's classes.  I thought it would be easiest to do this now, so in the fall, we can purchase next year apps and continue to get them ready for next year - WELL, Apple Configurator had other plans apparently!  I keep getting the "Request Token" failure notice, along with multiple others.....can't read device, and then it will connect, can't connect device, can't restore backup - bottom line I GAVE UP!!  It's been the 9th grade ones that it has done this with - UGH!!  The other grades actually went quite smoothly - SO - I just "removed" ALL the 9th grade iPads from Configurator, so I would get the codes back, and I will totally have to prepare them, alone with the 12th graders, in the fall.  I didn't want to do this - but I am tired of wasting time trying to figure this out - UGH!!  Oh  Well!!...