I can't exactly remember if I have blogged about these sites - some I may have - but they are SO worth mentioning again! CHECK THEM OUT!! ReadWorks: http://www.readworks.org/ Newsela: https://newsela.com/ TEDed: http://ed.ted.com/ What Should I Read Next: http://www. whatshouldireadnext.com/index. php Newsmap: http://newsmap.jp/ Learnzillion: https://learnzillion.com/ iXL: https://www.ixl.com/ Rewordify: http://rewordify.com/ Graphic Dictionary: http://www.visuwords.com/ Blabberize: http://blabberize.com/ Kahoot: https://getkahoot.com/ My Vocabulary: https://myvocabulary.com/ Piktochart: http://piktochart.com/ Happy Night all - stay warm:( Mrs. I:)
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