Yesterday, we had Dave Eisenmann , a technology director and speaker from Minnetonka come to our school and talk to our 7-12 graders about technology, being safe and smart online, and leaving a positive digital print. HE WAS FABULOUS! He didn't lecture the kids, he didn't tell them they are doing dumb things and stop. He encouraged them to continue to use the technology for positive things and outcomes. He started out by explaining to kids that technology is like a game or slot machine; it has the addiction piece to it, which makes it hard to stop using and put it down. We have to make a conscious effort to be present where we are, and put away the technology once in a while. He further went on to remind the kids of the changes that are taking place and that technology is the way everything is and pretty much how everything works. It was neat because he used polls throughout the presentation for kids to answer, and I think they were surprised b...
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