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Showing posts from May, 2018

What is coming next?

About three weeks ago, Casey and I started talking about the iPad Mini 3s that we have here K-12.  The discussion came up because we have been exploring zSpace , and all the capabilities that this machine has (CHECK OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T)!!  This then brought on the discussion of virtual and augmented reality, which our iPad Minis CAN NOT do right now. As we continued to talk, I just thought, "Why not reach out to Ryan, our Apple guy, and just SEE trade in value, pricing, etc.."  Well, let me tell you we were PLEASANTLY surprised to see the numbers he threw back at us.  Now this was STILL in talking phases, so Casey thought, "Let's just bring this to the technology committee."  So we did - and THEY were pleasantly surprised at the numbers as well, and they said why don't you pursue it a little further.   SO, Casey and I went and talked to Superintendent Loeslie and share with him the findings and number crunching, and he thought, "Why not bring it to t...

Augmented and Virtual Reality

I am not sure how many of you are using, or have starting diving into the world of augmented or virtual reality, but we had some really good discussion regarding this at our technology meeting yesterday morning, and whether or not we should consider upgrading our iPads.  LOTS of factors come into play, and there is NO decision made by any means, but it's a good point to start with, and VR and AR were key components of the discussion.  If you don't know: A ugmented Reality is, "  t echnology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view."  It's a PRETTY powerful thing if you have NEVER seen it. Here are some videos of apps that SHOW you what it is: Virtual Reality is, " the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment ...