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What is coming next?

About three weeks ago, Casey and I started talking about the iPad Mini 3s that we have here K-12.  The discussion came up because we have been exploring zSpace, and all the capabilities that this machine has (CHECK OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T)!!  This then brought on the discussion of virtual and augmented reality, which our iPad Minis CAN NOT do right now. As we continued to talk, I just thought, "Why not reach out to Ryan, our Apple guy, and just SEE trade in value, pricing, etc.."  Well, let me tell you we were PLEASANTLY surprised to see the numbers he threw back at us.  Now this was STILL in talking phases, so Casey thought, "Let's just bring this to the technology committee."  So we did - and THEY were pleasantly surprised at the numbers as well, and they said why don't you pursue it a little further.   SO, Casey and I went and talked to Superintendent Loeslie and share with him the findings and number crunching, and he thought, "Why not bring it to the finance committee for discussion?"  SO last night Casey and I went to the finance committee and they were impressed as well, therefore, it is now going to the board on Monday.  What started as a "Let's See" discussion, might become reality now!  SO we might be turning in our 920 iPad Mini 3s and going back to full size iPad 6s.  That would make me happy for SO many reasons:

1. We would be able to do virtual and augmented reality with apps like Froggipedia ($3.99), WWF Free Rivers (free), InSight Heart ($.99), and My Very Hungry Caterpillar AR ($2.99).  IT's CRAZY cool and just unbelievable to see and use!  Expeditions is also crazy fun and allows kids to BE in places they might not be able to otherwise. 

2. Our devices MIGHT not make it through another year.  We have had a TON of home buttons that are starting to fail, cracked screens that have been replaced but the touch on them isn't great, and will the iOS work another year - all things that make me think this is a great time.

3. We can take our MCA MN Standards test ON the full size iPads and turn the labs into another SPACE - maybe Makerspaces?  Maybe more space for the CAD lab now, but regardless it would give us TWO more rooms that are NEEDED in each building.

4. MANY teachers really wished we would have NEVER gone to an iPad Mini.  Between swiping between a smaller screen, trying to write and work, and reading alone has been a little more difficult for some - and they would be SO SO HAPPY to see the full sized iPad back.

5. The price is RIGHT:)!  When we traded in three years ago - we saved over $100,000 because minis were cheaper than the full sized iPads.  NOW that is reversed - the full size iPads are cheaper than the minis.  SO again - we will save money if we opt to go with the full size ones.

6.  Trade in pricing is really good this time also - and if we wait another year, the trade in value of the minis will drop another 25%ish - so again - the timing might be right!

7.  We will be getting keyboard cases for the 10-12th graders.  We pondered and pondered the idea of Chromebooks, but can't find something that works great with writing on PDFs, so that was a HUGE turn off - since even Kami extension on the Chromebook touch screen isn't great!

SO - there we have it and what has been happening in our world for the past three weeks.  Things have changed FAST FAST, and hopefully will for the better of our needs here!  OR maybe not and we will be having these discussions next spring about doing it for sure - time will tell;)!!

Take care all and Happy Week -
Mrs. I:)


  1. This makes me so happy! I would like to see the big iPad back :)


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