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Showing posts from October, 2020

Fall Conferences - What to Do?

 Currently, we are still in person in Barnesville.  However, we are limiting the number of people that actually come into the building.  So with conferences this fall, we decided to go with virtual conferences through Zoom, and used  Sign Up Genius  to schedule them.  This is a SUPER easy way for teachers (I actually created all of them) to create a "sign up" with time slots, and then parents can choose which time they want to have a virtual conference.   We created a shared Google Doc that we posted on our school website and Facebook pages so parents could find each individual teacher's sign up.  They simple clicked the link and then picked the slot that worked for them. Every teacher then posted his/her individual Zoom information in Schoology for parents to access when it was their time for a virtual conference.  I have had THREE parents reach out to me on "how to " do this, so I feel like this might be a success;)! We had thought abo...

October is Here!!!

 WE MADE IT A MONTH:)!!!!  NOW, I know I am being a little "up beat," but we are through ONE MONTH of this tough, tough situation!  Things have been HARD!  Things have been FRUSTRATING!  Things have been STRESSFUL!  BUT - YOU HAVE MADE IT ONE MONTH!!!  Taking ONE day at at time, CONTROLLING what you can, and DOING YOUR BEST - that is all we can do:)!!!  I AM PROUD OF YOU!!! With that said, here are things that are happening here, how out life looks right now in Barnesville, MN, and what we have in place for the year: *Currently we are IN PERSON at both the elementary level!  The state of Minnesota has five plans in place according to cases per 10,000 population.  Technically, we should be distance because of the numbers in Clay County, but we are not Moorhead, which shares a border with Fargo, so they are allowing us to stay in person for now!  FINGERS CROSSED!  We have had a few cases, and students and staff quarantining ...