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Showing posts from September, 2013

Simple Solution - Give em' NEW iPads:)

  So - I decided to ease myself of the STRESS of getting these two darlings their iPads back and just went ahead and gave them two NEW ones on LOAN:)!!  The stress level has lessened SIGNIFICANTLY!!!  Again - because I am a "fixer" of EVERY life problem, this bothered me to NO end!  Even though the issue isn't FIXED COMPLETELY - temporarily it is and I know that those students can at least access their stuff!  However, after lunch I will make the dreaded call to Apple and get connected through a chain of staff members until someone can actually help me - ok a little facetious!!  Apple isn't THAT BAD and YES they do solve the issues - just hate sitting on the phone and admitting that I can't solve it - UGH!!!  And moreover, I won't get an explanation as to WHY they are doing what they are doing - even worse!!!     On a lighter note - Internet is going great, iPads are rolling and working, and Schoology is still something that I would rec...

The 2 DREADED iPads;(!!!

   UGH! UGH! UGH!  I now have TWO students that have been without their iPads for TWO DAYS:(!!  UGH!!  Now - this may not SEEM like a big deal - but the kids and teachers alike depend on these, so when they don't have them, it's a PAIN FOR ALL!!!  I feel SO bad - but can't do anything about it as Casey tried what Apple told him to do and FAILURE!!!  Therefore, back on the phone with them tomorrow and see what they have to say!!  YIKES - again ALL related to the DREADED iOS 7 update - sigh....      Now, in all actuality - it's not NEARLY as bad as I say!  I, however, am a "problem solver," and when that doesn't happen I feel QUITE dissatisfied!! Casey and I will figure it out eventually, but time is of essence when those two kiddos don't have them - hate it!!!  Here's hoping that Apple has the answers - Happy Night, Mrs. I:)

Where Do I EVEN Start - OH iOS7:(!!!!!

    Well well well - where do I even begin?  How about - NOT sure I'm a fan of iOS7!!!!  Since that update came out - nothing but TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE in Configurator Land:(!!  Lots of things happened - quick recap!     Students were coming in last week saying that they couldn't access this or that, and they needed this app for this elective class - so I simply did what I do; hooked up the iPad, chose the app needed, and usually works perfectly - NOPE!!  For whatever reason (and I KNOW it's because of the update as ALL had done the update), their iPads wouldn't work with the iTunes I had.  However - I had done the same thing with OTHER iPads that were updated and it worked fine - why not these 5?? So here's what I found out...... 1.  The updated iOS7 likes to work with the updated iTunes - which we didn't have in Configurator yet, therefore we had to update that - but it wouldn't..... 2.  We couldn't update iTunes bec...

Apps Gone Free - YIKES!!! AND STAR App - YAHOO:)!!

   So, I have been TOTALLY talking up and saying CHECK APPS GONE FREE DAILY:)!!  Which - YES - I would still encourage all to do this - however - here's what we're finding out: 1. Some developers put a certain "time frame" for the app to be free 2.  Once I did the update on some of these apps - they all of a sudden want REDEMPTION CODES and won't let us have them anymore!!  THEY ARE GONE!! 3.  However - they stay on the iPads that HAVE them right now - but once removed, I am afraid that we are going to LOSE them and have to actually PAY for them:( Makes sense, but frustrated as we had them for free and now we won't next year.  Also a little strange, as I can download that SAME app on my own iPad, do the update, and it doesn't make me pay!  However, there must be a code or something tied to it that KNOWS that Configurator is a "multi" user distributor - SHUCKS!!! That's all for today - have been updating iPads at the elementary as th...

Another great week!

   I think back to last year at this time and CAN NOT believe how easy this year's transition has been.  I know that the internet working is a HUGE part of it - but our teachers have TRULY embraced all that have been on their plates and they are just RUNNING WITH IT:)!!  They really have been TRULY AMAZING - Keep It Up!    Here's to a FANTASTIC weekend and time with friends and family!  We are lucky to say that we "teach!"  Check out the video below for some fun: Also - a great app today on Apps Gone Free - called Writing Wizard !  SO SO SO CUTE and appropriate for PreK-1 working on writing letters;)!!  I will write about Apps Gone Free next week - we have had a few issues - BUMMER!!   Happy day!! Happy Weekend all - Keep Being AMAZING:)! Mrs. I:)

Week #1 - off and running; no sprinting!!!

Hey - sorry it's been a week - but WOW WHAT A WEEK:)!!!  Here are the highlights of what has been happening Year 2 1:1 Initiative and Week 1: 1. ALL students and teachers are now up and running with Schoology, emails, and iPads 2. MOST elective classes have all their apps on - a few sections left, but most are finished 3. Students have been checking and submitting things DAILY into Dropbox for Schoology 4. Internet has been GREAT - a little glitchy at TIMES throughout a few of the days - but SO SO SO much better than where we were at last year 5. Groups have been starting to be created in Schoology - and I have successfully (just today) created a "schoolwide" group for announcements, polling for Student Council, and other types of announcements and notifications that need to go out 6. LOTS of questions - but most I had answers for 7. Teachers are submitting lessons plans on Schoology 8. Most parents have signed up to follow their student's progress 9. New st...

It's TIME:)!!!

   HERE WE GO - YEAR 2!!!:)  I can NOT believe how much smoother things have gone so far this year - from iPad distribution to the uploading of apps onto the iPads - WOW:)!!  SO much easier having a year under our belts!!  I KNOW that there will be things that we run into - but I just can't believe all that we have learned in the process.      Schoology is going to be our BIGGEST challenge this year.  Learning it - uploading files to it - getting kids used to it - etc.. but again, once it's learned and the process begins - I can not WAIT to see the amazing things that everyone will be doing once again - unbelievable!  I have already seen SO many great things that teachers are doing - they really do AMAZE and INSPIRE me each and every day to work hard for THEM to make THEIR jobs easier!!  I truly am BLESSED beyond belief! Happy First Day everyone - Mrs. I:)