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Showing posts from November, 2013


  I JUST discovered these AMAZING apps that Khan Academy is putting out in all their content areas!!! The have GOT. IT. RIGHT.   Khan Academy: Algebra I is an example of one of the MANY S.T.E.M. based apps available on the App Store.  Each app consists of the videos that you can find on their website, but you DO NOT need the Internet to access them - YAHOO:)!!!  That way, the kids have the apps on their iPads (well, actually they are only iPhone and iPod available, which WORKS on the iPad still) and the videos are already embedded in there - WAY TO GO KHAN:)!!!  It does say on there that they will be coming out with an iPad version soon - LOVE THEM:)!!  Here's just a quick snapshot of some of them that they have to offer - but there are TONS:)!!  And ALL. FREE!!!    If I come across anymore, I will surely let you know!!  Happy Thanksgiving break - enjoy your time with family and friend...

Something NEW - AGAIN:)!! & TIES:)!!!

    Something new AGAIN - I really should be keeping a journal instead of relying on my brain to remember all that I have learned - GEEZ!  Today - couldn't get sound to come out of an iPad.  When I went to Settings - Sound, I would toggle the bar and sure enough sound would come.  The side button wasn't locked to Mute, only Rotate, and in Settings - Privacy - Microphone - all was turned on that should be and didn't see anything fishy!  However - went to Settings - General - Reset - Reset Location and Privacy - and YES. YES. YES - it's worked:)!!  CRAZY as I never knew this trick before.  It merely rests JUST the Location & Privacy settings back to factory - so whatever the reason why - it works now - THANK YOU:)!     Actually I think I WILL start compiling all this madness in this blog - who knows?  That might be my millions waiting for me:)!!  Probably not - but a gal can dream, right?     On another note,...

Digital Curriculum - WOWZER:)!!!

   I had mentioned before that I attended a workshop at Lakes Country in Fergus Falls with 4 other teachers from Barnesville.  AMAZING!!  There are SO SO SO many resources out there available for us - open source resource - YES!!  As we begin to consider curriculum for next near in the Language Arts area, the teachers saw GREAT things and thought this possibility of having digital curriculum might work:)! Here is a BRIEF overview of two of the apps that were talked about here: 1. Thinglink is an App and a companion website!  This app and website allow you to create imaginative, interactive images with active links.  You can "hot spot" certain areas and add text, embed a video or picture - SO SO COOL:) 2. Frolyc is the website and Activity Spot the app to go with it.  This one is SUPER GREAT:)!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!  You have to create an account, but once you do - you sign your kids up and the website gives each kid a code to a...

GREAT Idea Mrs. Willers

  Each spring, what we do in Barnesville, is pretty much wipe the senior iPads and recycle them down to Kindergarten.  When the school year is done, the Kindergarteners bring their iPads with them to first grade, and so and so.  I was talking with Mrs. Willers yesterday, and she asked if there was ANY way that the Kindergarten teachers could KEEP their iPads and start this recycling process at first grade - TOTALLY. MAKES. SENSE!!!  The Kindergarten teachers have to folder ALL of their iPads as the kids are too little to do this.  This also means they have to put codes in for Schoology , Storia , Dropbox , etc... for EVERY iPad and EVERY account that they have - YIKES!!!  WHAT. A. BRILLIANT. IDEA!  They SHOULD get to keep their iPads as year after year, that would be SO SO time consuming!!  I am going to throw that idea at Mr. Loeslie, our Superintendent, and see what he thinks.     Also, yesterday, four teachers and myself went to...


    A couple of days ago I walked into our teacher's lounge and found this.  Now, our art teacher, Mrs. Albright, who is extremely witty and creative, posted this.  Pretty much sums up my week:)  Have a good laugh, too: Happy Weekend Everyone, Mrs. I:)

More Ideas with the iPads

  Here are a few more ideas that Mrs. Tonsfeldt has done in class.  My son, Tate, has her in class, so that is why I tend to show many of her ideas:)!  There have been the latest assignments:    Using the Number Pieces , the students had to represent numbers with the pieces and show a subtraction problem.  Some of them were regrouping and others weren't:        This assignment was done using the app Explain Everything .  Students had to take their Halloween candy and sort it different ways.  Each slide in their slideshow showed a different way to sort and categorize their candy.     Educreations was used for this next assignment.  Students needed to show each of the properties of addition recording themselves and using examples to explain it.    Finally, this assignment shows the use of the app Pic Collage to do vocabulary words.  How simple, but yet so effective! I will po...

Thought the Problem was Solved.....But......

  I called Apple today because I have been having trouble removing apps.  I had looked in various spots within restrictions and couldn't really pinpoint what was going on.  Once I talked with them, they had me click the box that says "Allow Installation of Apps," which doesn't sound right I know, but it seemed to work as I got the YAHOO battery that means life is successful in Apple Configurator!  Well, thought so, NOT SO!!:(   It DID show that the app was NOT on there as it was unchecked, but when I went to the iPad, it is STILL on there - ugh!!  I am NOT sure what to do.  If I remove the iPad from the group it retains my redemption codes and allows me to prepare it again, but that means that I have to then put all the apps back on.  Now this isn't a problem if it's for a new student as I generally wipe the old iPad anyway, but if I have to remove an app for some reason; it's not working properly, they need the space for other things, etc... I do...


  I am wondering if any other "Configurator"  users are having the same issue that we are here.  When I hook iPads up to Apple Configurator to apply apps, update apps, whatever it might be, it will completely wipe and reapply ALL the apps on certain iPads - WHY?  I really don't understand all the inconsistencies that I am seeing; especially since the iOS 7 update and Apple Configurator update.  Now, I know, we SHOULD NOT have done the update to begin with, but try to tell a 10 year old to just ignore that red push notification on the settings - NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN!  For example, this morning I hooked up 28 iPads to do the updates as with a certain profile we were noticing that kids weren't able to access many websites that they needed.  I clicked the SAME thing to do on the ENTIRE batch - yet here ONE iPAD is sitting and reinstalling EVERYTHING.  AND to make it worse, it's an iPad where a paraprofessional has spent COUNTLESS hours creating thin...


  We gained three new students today in our district - YAHOO:)!!  Usually what I would do is hook up an iPad - remove the apps that are not needed for this particular grade and student and put the apps on that are needed - NOT SO!  Look at the message that I got today: Uninstallation of apps is prohibited by a policy on the device - WHAT IS THIS??? I have NEVER seen this and have NO idea what to do!  Apparently after reading a "little" bit, it has something to do with Google and the policies that the developers are setting and using with their apps - OH OH OH!!  Therefore, I have NO option right now as to getting these kids grade level appropriate iPads -UGH!!  I can install the apps needed, but it won't let me uninstall ANY of them- WHAT. TO. DO.????   So for now - here I sit again - not knowing what direction to go - no one has answers - so guess what that means?  I GET to call Apple tomorrow;)!!  UGH. UGH. UGH.  Now, I KNOW they w...

More from Pic Collage

   LOOK AT THESE:)!!!!  Mrs. Parker had her 3rd graders create these in the Pic Collage app ! She had the kids take pictures of each other "posing" in certain ways.  They then imported the pictures into Pic Collage and used the "lasso" tool to cut around their pictures - GENIUS!!!  They are SO. DANG. CUTE!!!  Again - SO creative and the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it along with me!!  I am LAUGHING. OUT. LOUD. here - look at those darlings diving into the leaves - priceless!!! Another great idea with the iPads:)  Happy Friday - anyone else feeling the effects of all the dang candy eaten:) Mrs. I:-)