We have been in the process of trying to put together a scope and sequence for Technology for both buildings. It has been a VERY difficult process as there aren't many out there to follow - and the ones that are, of course, don't meet our needs with the 1:1 in place. SO SO what to do? We are starting to compile some things and then Casey remember, "Hey, Mr. Nelson, a former 2nd grade teacher, has this stuffed saved." Here is what he pulls out: REMEMBER THESE?? My first thought - do we even HAVE anything that will work with these? Casey sent me to a computer in the library - and SURE ENOUGH we DID have one that still has a slot for these:)! However - the info that we needed wasn't on there - UGH!! BACK. TO. THE. DRAWING. BOARD. If ANYONE out there has a great one - please let me know:) On a second note, I had a high school student go to the elementary to grab some iPads for me and bring them back. ...
This site is designed to be an informational site that tracks how Barnesville Public Schools use technology for learning in all content areas!