If you aren't aware of, or haven't had a chance yet to check out the International Society for Technology in Education (iste) you must! Here you will find standards for students, teachers, coaches and administrators on teaching in the digital world. This is sometimes a tough topic to talk about in districts as what are the technology standards? Where do they lie? Who is to create them or know about them? In all reality we ALL need to know what our role is regards to technology and the classroom. We ALL need to be aware of the needs of the students in sending them off in this "techy" world. This site really provides GREAT insight into what each of these roles should know, model and lead! Below are the Nets listed for each person involved in this technology implementation and the roles that each might possibly play:
Each year iste also has a national conference - BIGGER and BOLDER than TIES if you can believe that:)!! It was held in San Antonio this year and over 18,000 teachers, administrators, technology leaders, etc.. from all over the world attended - can you imagine???? WOW - that would be a BRAIN OVERLOAD if I have ever heard of one:)!!
If you get a chance, take a peek - it's really neat how they don't target specific "skills" per say but more things like problem solving, creativity, etc...
Happy Friday,
Mrs. I:)
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