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Apps Gone Free.....3 today:)!

Three apps were put into Configurator today:

1. SimpleSort: Continents - Man made and natural wonders of the world have been mixed up and jumbled and students have to sort them into their appropriate continents.  A narrator will provide descriptions and explanations for each object.  Normally $.99 - FREE TODAY!

2. ASE A-Series Practice Test and Questions - This app will be popular with mechanics - it includes a practice exam that features 450 total Automative Service Excellence questions.  I LOVE that we have finally found one for this area of education! Normally $.99 - FREE TODAY!

3. Shopmate - Create shopping lists with this utility app.  You can add items with the built-in catalog on more than 220 or by creating your own lists. Normally $1.99 - FREE TODAY!

Have a great day today all,
Mrs. I:)
